Guns N’ Roses, il testo di “The General”

Presentato in anteprima sul palco dell'Hollywood Bowl di Los Angeles, il brano è finalmente disponibile per la rotazione radiofonica e in digitale.

Finalmente nuova musica per la leggendaria rock band!
Dopo “Perhaps” uscito quest’estate ed il tour mondiale che ha fatto tappa anche in Italia per un’unica data evento lo scorso 8 luglio 2023 al Circo Massimo di Roma, i GUNS ‘N ROSES pubblicano oggi il nuovo singolo “THE GENERAL”.

Presentato in anteprima sul palco dell’Hollywood Bowl di Los Angeles, il brano è finalmente disponibile per la rotazione radiofonica e in digitale ed è incluso nel side B del 7″ del singolo “Perhaps“, disponibile solo sullo shop Universal in numero limitato di copie.


Daddy, don’t
I swear I won’t
I’ll be good from now on
And I’m awful sorry
Daddy, don’t
The hell I won’t
I won’t be good anymore
And you’ll all be sorry

Can anybody tell me
Why the pain, it just won’t stop?
Can anybody help me?
This pain, it just won’t stop

My only regret is that I never took the time to forget
All those unspoken feelings that were never spared
At those who understand that love deserves respect
And not your sordid meaning

Daddy, don’t
I swear I won’t
I’ll be good from now on
And I’m awful sorry
Daddy, don’t
The hell I won’t, I won’t be good anymore
And you’ll all be sorry

Can anybody tell me
Why the pain, it just won’t stop?
Can anybody help me?
This pain, it just won’t stop

My only regret is that I never took the time to forget
All those unspoken feelings that were never spared
At those who understand that love deserves respect
And not your sordid meaning

Don’t know what to tell you now
It’s never really what they tell you now
You oughta know what they tell you now
And not really what they tell you now
Don’t know what to tell you now
It ain’t really what they tell you now
Don’t go where they tell you now
It ain’t really what they tell you now

My only regret is that I never took the time to forget
All those unspoken feelings that were never spared
At those who understand that love deserves respect
And not your sordid meaning

My only regret is that I never took the time to forget

Notizie del giorno

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